From Sun Shunning to Sun Loving with Nadine Artemis
From Sun Shunning to Sun Loving with Nadine Artemis
Show Notes:
I’m joined by Nadine Artemis on this episode. Nadine is the Creator and Founder of Living Libations, a company I am very passionate about, which takes the wisdom of plants and blends them into total body wellness, beauty and natural care products. This episode comes at a perfect time as we head into spring because we are talking about all things sun-loving, sun-worshiping, sun revering, and their implications for our health.
Many of us tend to live predominantly indoors but the majority of living things on the planet, including our skin, have been designed to be exposed to solar rays. Of course, we don’t want to get burned, but there is an entire range of activities we really need that we miss by avoiding the sun. Nadine and I talk about the importance of sun exposure to increase bone health, fight disease, build up our immune systems, and of course, increase our levels of Vitamin D.
Our bodies are like solar batteries, and we need to have that solar exposure to charge the systems of the body through safe sun rituals. This is the time of year when we can slowly expose ourselves to direct sunlight to start building up our tolerance and our melanin. There is so much fear of the sun, and women are constantly faced with unattainable pressures to not have wrinkles. However, Nadine shares some renegade advice on sunlight and health and debunks the major myths around skin, sun, and aging.
Listen in to hear how engaging with the elements, graceful aging, and celebrating our bodies in a new way are the alternative to injecting fillers, applying chemicals, and eating processed foods, which all increase the likelihood of major damage once we are in the sun.
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Topics Covered:
- Unpacking misconceptions about the sun and its effects on your skin’s aging
- Various benefits of ingesting sunlight at different times of the day
- Daytime melatonin and internal sun protection
- Active awareness to avoid unattainable beauty standards and toxic practices
- Knowing the amount of sun exposure you need, depending on your body
- Benefits of sun-tanning your bumhole
Resources Mentioned:
- Get 10% off Living Libations products via
- Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide To Healthy Teeth And Gums
- Renegade Beauty: Reveal And Revive Your Natural Radiance
Guest Info: Nadine Artemis
Nadine Artemis is the author of two books including Renegade Beauty and Holistic Dental Care. She is the creator of Living Libations, a luxury line of organic wild-crafted non-GMO serums, elixirs, and essential oils for those seeking the purest of the pure botanical natural health and beauty products on the planet.
Nadine is an innovative aromacologist that formulates immune enhancing blends. Her healing creations, along with her concept of renegade beauty, encourage effortlessness, eschew regimes, and inspire people to rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness.
Her potent dental serums are used worldwide and provide the purest oral care available.
Nadine is a key speaker at health and wellness conferences and a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets. She has received glowing reviews for her work in the Hollywood Reporter, GOOP, Vogue, People, Elle, Yoga Journal, Natural Health, W Magazine, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and National Post.
Celebrity fans include Shailene Woodley, Renee Zellweger, Julianne Moore, Carrie Anne Moss, Mandy Moore, and many others. Alanis Morissette, describes Nadine as “a true sense-visionary." Aveda founder, Horst Rechelbacher, calls Nadine “a pure flower of creativity.”
Fun Fact: She opened the first full concept aromatherapy store in North America at just 22 years old.
- Visit the Living Libations website:
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- Follow Nadine on Instagram: @nadineartemisofficial
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Show Transcript:
Tonya Papanikolov 00:04
Hi, welcome to the Rainbo podcast. I'm your host, Tonya Papanikolov. Rainbo and I are on a mission to upgrade humanity with fungi and expand the collective conscious. This podcast builds a virtual mycelial network of bold, open minded thinkers and seekers. I chat with experts, thought leaders, healers, scientists, entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, activists, and dreamers. These are stories of healing, human potential and expansion. Tune in route and expand and journey with us.
Tonya Papanikolov 00:44
Hi, welcome back to another episode of the Rainbo podcast. Thanks for being here. I am very jazzed to share this episode with Nadine Artemis today with you it comes at a perfect time in spring. We are talking all things Sun loving, Sun worshipping Sun revering and their implications for our health. And it's not even implications. It's just the necessity of this and rewriting the narrative that many of us the vast majority of the public still believes around, sun shining. So we will dive into that shortly.
Tonya Papanikolov 01:28
But Nadine, Artemis is just such an incredible force. She's the creator, the founder of living libations, the author of Holistic Dental Care, the complete guide to healthy teeth and gums, and Renegade beauty reveal and revive your natural radiance, which was named one of the top 10 best books on skincare by the strategist of New York Magazine. She's a respected media guest contributor to lots of amazing outlets. And she's received rave reviews from the New York Times LA times L people Vogue, the list goes on, along with just 1000s and 1000s of raving fans whose skin she has got glowing and thriving.
Tonya Papanikolov 02:11
And just in a beautiful, natural state. Nadine really is a true visionary and a true renegade beauty herself. It's a concept that she developed renegade beauty, which encourages effortlessness, and inspires people to rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness, which is what we need. And we have such a important conversation. And it is one that like I mentioned, that comes in a good time as it spring. And we can slowly start to expose ourselves to direct sunlight. And now is the time of year to start doing that to start building up our tolerance.
Tonya Papanikolov 02:53
And she comes at us with some renegade advice on sunlight and health. And, you know, there's so much fear of the sun. We talk about these unattainable pressures that women have to not have wrinkles, but that there's also this major myth around skin, sun and wrinkles. We now avoid the sun and inject fillers into our face, apply chemicals to acne, spray on fake tans, filled with DNA damaging D hydroxy, acetone. And we talk about this and just the alternative, which is of course, graceful aging and healthy living. And those things sound easy and basic, but it takes a real commitment. And there's a mind blowing piece of the conversation that we touch on around hydrogenated seed oils, palm oils, the polyunsaturated bad oils, and what happens when our bodies are filled with these processed foods and oils that are in 20% of the standard American diet. You know, these little sneaky ingredients that you will find, you know, canola oil and seed oils and all sorts of packaged foods that you wouldn't expect to find them in.
Tonya Papanikolov 04:02
But the key is, knowing when our bodies are filled with this also eating out by the way, most restaurants are using these rancid oils and whatever. That's another part of the conversation. But very important to know that these are the oils that when our bodies are filled with them and come into contact with the sunlight. That's when major damage is occurring. And the recipe for wrinkles and dark spots is our current standard diet of processed foods. And these really rancid awful oils for the body. They wreak havoc on the body. Pesticides, Factory Farming, the trans fats, the plasticizers bromine formaldehyde. Gosh, I mean fluoride, the coal tar derivatives, the color the flavor additives, the list goes on. So yeah, it's it's, uh, you know, I don't think a lot of people know about what is happening in the body and the true cause of the sun. damage might be, because we're filled with these toxic chemicals.
Tonya Papanikolov 05:05
Anyways, very interesting part of the conversation, we talk about vitamin D, and just the importance of exposure to small doses of exposure to morning sunlight, and then afternoon sunlight and how we can kind of slowly dosed our way up to these safe Sun rituals and practices as we come into summer. And then, of course, the need for vitamin D. Once we are in once, you know, depending on where you are in the world, once that those UV rays are, you know, have left the part of the world at least in Canada, around October 30, we also touch on sending your bumhole I would not have not asked her and Holistic Dental care a little bit of a one on one on that. And it is an amazing and amazing conversation. So I'm very excited for you to listen to it, we are very lucky and grateful to have gotten a discount code to the living libation store. So all Rainbo listeners get 10% off living libations products, which is amazing. And you can access that directly through the link that is in the show notes. And it's also WWW dot living forward slash Rainbo. No w as you know, and there's no code required at checkout, that link will just automatically 10% off when you're in your checkout.
Tonya Papanikolov 06:31
So don't miss out on this opportunity to get some of the incredible living libations products. Some of my favorites. I love so many of the products but I swear by the poetic pets, I've never met a better natural deodorant that works and smells so divine. Use that. Gosh, I love the best skin ever. Rose cookie 10 All of the rose oils, I have the dry brush the lymph essential oil and the happy gum drops the triple man just the list goes on. There's a bunch of just my absolute staples in beauty and natural health care. So I will just stop my ramble. There's a lot to say. I'm very, very passionate about living libations. And just so grateful to have had this conversation with Nadine and have her really share this wisdom with you all. So let's let's dive right into it.
Tonya Papanikolov 07:30
Hello, Nadine.
Nadine Artemis 07:32
Tonya Papanikolov 07:33
Hi, I'm so so thrilled to be here with you, and so grateful to have you on the podcast today. So thank you for being here.
Nadine Artemis 07:41
Well, thanks for having me.
Tonya Papanikolov 07:43
I love to start every episode just sharing something we're both grateful for. So what do you what are you grateful for on this? Beautiful, I guess it's afternoon for you?
Nadine Artemis 07:53
Yeah, just afternoon. I'm so grateful for my family. And you know, I guess it's it's good Friday today. So it just feels like a cozy home day as well. And just so grateful for the sun that's shining, and the winter that is disappearing and melting.
Tonya Papanikolov 08:10
Yeah. I am grateful for ditto all of that. I saw beautiful pink birds sprouting up yesterday and writing. Yeah, it's really, I think just like hearing and sensing the world's coming back to life in the spring in a way that feels so familiar and yet exciting every time. So
Nadine Artemis 08:38
true. It's familiar and fresh. Yeah. Yeah,
Tonya Papanikolov 08:42
it was it was so nice. And just, you know, listening to these little baby sheep buying in the background, like, Oh, this is? Yeah, this is so good Friday. So yes, thank you, thank you for coming on. I felt like it would be perfect timing, to chat about the sun and dive into that conversation. It's spring, it's kind of a really great time to start to build up the melanin in the skin and expose ourselves. But I kind of just want to touch on first of all, like you say, this fear we have, there's a like huge movement to shun the sun. And there's a lot of people that know but still I mean, my mom and tons of people who are who's who still have that fear of friends of mine. And so I think there's that there's also kind of pairing it with unattainable beauty standards, which are also it's also a myth that the skin is going to cause wrinkles and things like this. So I would love to hear your wise approach on this because you've been really championing the sun for your life and career.
Nadine Artemis 09:53
Yeah, I love I love this. I love talking about the sun because I do feel it is really essential to our lives to life. on the planet, and yet, in the past 5060 years, I think sometimes, sometimes I think 1970 was 30 years ago. So no, I guess really, we're at 100 years now. Because, yeah, up until about the 1920s. So I did have to reassess my math there. We, yeah, the sun was, it came in and out of fashion, but it was, you know, I mean, we got the literally the Dark Ages, Sun was also a problem, then there was a fear of the sun. But anyway, there's a lot to understand. And yet it's like everything right? It's so nuanced. So we're just like, yeah, get out of the sun, it causes wrinkles. And then that's the end of the discussion, we're not going to get that far. So I think it's really key to know that yeah, the sun is, is here, and it's making all of us alive or keeping us alive. So it's pretty important.
Nadine Artemis 10:53
And everything on the planet, well, not everything, but like, let's just say the general everything like from a tree to a flower petal, to ocean animals to our skin has been designed to be exposed to the solar rays, right? Like, obviously, it's going to be different those scattering rays in the ocean. But wherever those light rays reaches, the system was designed to engage with that, right? So then, aquatic life at that level responds to that amount of sunlight that kind of comes in, right, so whether it's there, or how the sunflowers are Helio tropic, meaning they turn with the sun, you know, and so our skin was designed to be exposed to the sun's rays, obviously, not wanting to like it can get burnt too.
Nadine Artemis 11:39
And we don't want that. But then there's like a whole range of activity in between that we really, really need. And it's not all about melanin, and UV as well. So there's many ways to enjoy the sun. And so yeah, we can't just cut off the dialogue with like, you know, wrinkles, burns forgot it, here's your sunscreen, let's move on. And there's a lot about the rays that we will never know. So one thing that's really key, so before we even talk about sunbathing is just light, like just having more in your life. And hopefully, you can sort of have times in your day, like, because we are like a sundial, we want to give our bodies that information, where you can engage with the sun, you know, whether it's winter, spring, summer fall, and I mean, we have very indoor lives. And I know we got to work but you know, if there was a way that you can get 10 minutes to two hours of morning light.
Nadine Artemis 12:36
And for that you don't have to be like, you know, all excursions you can expose them like trying to get the race so you can go for a walk, I mean, it's nice to see the sunrise and there's a lot to that. And I think it's important to, to have that moment and then engaging with the light of that time, which is safe for the eyes to ingest that first hour at sunrise and then the first hour at sunset or sorry, the last hour at sunset, that you can look right at the sun. Generally speaking of some people, if you've been indoors a lot, it'll be really bright, and you can just like cover one eye and get that light in. And then all of that reception of more light into your eyes will help you know with, you know, making your eyes stronger at night or, you know, doing other things and staring at the computer or the phone is very important to our eyesight, especially for children. Because they've got to develop that skill, and the light and the others receptors in the light, I mean sorry, in the eye that have nothing per se to do with vision of like getting that image of what we're seeing. But literally, there are cones to receive information from the light and then communicate that to the hypothalamus and to our mitochondria.
Nadine Artemis 13:47
And so when we're denying sunlight in those ways, then we're denying like that whole biological system, which we know a lot about. I mean, I feel like the mysteries will be keep being revealed for like decades and decades and, and beyond. So there's the morning light, which is really key. And one thing that I just learned, like a couple years ago, and I find so fascinating, is the daytime production of melatonin. A lot of people we know about the nighttime, we know about the supplement melatonin and maybe we know it's secreted from our pineal gland at night and it helps with our circadian rhythms. Interestingly, to the supplement a lot of people have issues like these not so good for them at night in the sense that that you might have dreams or very vivid dreams that are like, don't feel like you're getting the deep sleep or you kind of wake up hungover and groggy.
Nadine Artemis 14:39
But there's also but you can actually take a daytime melatonin, which you know, in the first few weeks, you can get a little bit nappy at the towards the day, but once your body gets used to it, we actually generally would function with more melatonin in our bodies in the daytime that helps protect us against sunlight. So you can make your own like you can take it orally but there's also suppositories that you can make your own. But a company makes really nice ones called Mito Zen, and I don't know, affiliation, but just share that. So for example, if you pop one of those suppositories in, before you go into the sun, you're like, pretty much not getting burnt, which is super cool. You know, I don't know, we have to see maybe Irish redhead, or, you know, you still have to like monitor, you know, myself in the sun and that kind of thing.
Nadine Artemis 15:28
But it's this internal some protection, because melatonin is related also to the melanin in the body. But here's what's so, so cool. And why we need sunlight and why red light as a biohacking therapy is also very useful. Because in that morning time, if we're out in the sun, then we're getting the special red light rays, because the red lights always there. If you we think about when we learned about Rainbos and the colors, the ROY G BIV. Apparently, they like have removed Indigo in some schools, which like, hey, yeah, visually less people can distinguish between indigo and violet. Which I like, but doesn't mean we change the Rainbo.
Tonya Papanikolov 16:13
Yeah. And that's the person. Exactly.
Nadine Artemis 16:17
So yeah, so then it's also when the UV the UV comes in later in the day, whether you're in Hawaii or Canada, it's not there all the time. You know, so maybe it's coming in right now and Hawaii, like nine in the morning, you know, and and like in Ontario, Canada, it will get there at night in the morning, but probably not till like June or July. So you have that whole window without any UV to think about and you're getting the red light. So with the red what so keep at the red light is it activates the daytime production of melatonin, where so the pineal gland production is about like 5% of the story, where most of the production should be happening is inside the mitochondria.
Tonya Papanikolov 17:00
Nadine Artemis 17:01
And melatonin acts as this coolant fluid for the process of the conversion of ATP, which is basically the body taking your caloric energy and turning that into energy for the body. No matter how healthy you are, that ATP process as waste products has sort of an excrement of free radicals, and oxidants. And so the melatonin comes in or hopefully you're producing it as this coolant fluid, that is a more powerful antioxidant than even glutathione or vitamin C, that kind of thing. And so we really need that to thrive and survive, you know, soft tissue cancers, like a breast cancer, the tumor, it's been studied that the tumors grow at night and bodies that are not sufficient in melatonin.
Tonya Papanikolov 17:51
Wow. Yeah. Just got shivers.
Nadine Artemis 17:54
Yeah. Isn't that like, just. Yeah, I mean, it's so fascinating. So where kind of running at a melatonin deficit, and it's really ancient, like it's more primordial than sand. And the way I come to see it is it really seems like the mitochondria which are so essential for health. And melatonin actually kind of seem like these primordial dance partners. And that we can't really know about the mitochondria. We don't also know about the melatonin. I mean, in the mitochondria. I mean, that could be a 2050 hour discussion or whatever. And I don't even know a ton about it on one level, because it's this so fast. Yeah, totally.
Tonya Papanikolov 18:37
But the mitochondria in general, I also, I don't know too much about it. I would love to know more. But isn't that structure itself? Like that cell is like, ancient?
Nadine Artemis 18:47
Yeah, I mean, it's ancient, in my mind, right? This kind of, well, also, I thought, I don't know for a while I thought there was like a mitochondria in the cell, but a really healthy cell can have over 2000 Oh, you know, and then they also have a die off in a cycle like a cellular cycle, which also needs sort of clean up and autophagy and there's my toffee G those processes in the body are helpful and we need to you know, make sure that that sort of happening. Well, we don't have to like make sure but the body is clearing that up. So things like spermidine help with that. Which is a substance actually it's so key for beauty and health and I actually ended up interviewing somebody about it because I just, you know, for people in our world, they want to know about the beauty things and I was just so I you know, I've taken you know, I've got about 30 years in like biohacking health and I've tried really so many things also to know about it and know is that something that I can share with with people or women about like hair growth or beauty things so I like to experiment and it was so phenomenal, just like you know, for hair thickness, shininess nails, strong, smooth skin, but those are At least sort of the side effects of what this substance is doing.
Nadine Artemis 20:03
And its people been trying to extract it from things forever, because spermidine So the supplement is made from either chlorella, algae or wheat germ. And then the oils that go rancid are removed. And interestingly people that even have a gluten sensitivity find that they can even take that one generally speaking, but it acts as like it acts. It helps also in the sun, taking the sperm, the sperm readings and everything that's alive on the planet from like, you know, plants to Yes, breast milk and sperm contain spermidine. And it's very, it's a part of the poly AMI, so it's very, very anti aging. And right now spermidine And studies have shown to take care of it will show all nine at some point, but six of the nine hallmarks of aging spermidine shows to reverse, so it does a toffee G which is why we fast to have that cellular cleanup and then my tapa G being the mitochondrial cleanup. And it also takes care of lip off algae, which is actually a fat cell cleanup, moving from a white fat which is less productive to a more productive and healthy brown fat. So it's pretty phenomenal substance helps with sun I feel it also helps with melasma and stuff on the skin.
Tonya Papanikolov 21:17
What is the I did see it on your on your site? And I keep hearing it but I'm not super familiar with how do you take it? Just like
Nadine Artemis 21:23
capsules? Yeah. Oh, really. This chlorella one is like a press tablet. Okay, it isn't foods, but you'll never Yeah, like eat enough broccoli to get it in there. So it's a really fascinating thing when we get into the mitochondria. And I just also wanted to mention about the mitochondria that a couple years ago to there was a study done, where they looked at they had looked at cancer proliferation and a petri dish, they had healthy mitochondria with cancer cells, and the cancer cells did not proliferate. Then they had unhealthy mitochondria with cancer cells, and you know, everything went out of control. So we want to keep that powerhouse so to speak intact and know more about it. And there is such a relationship to the mitochondria, sunshine, melatonin. So it's really like the melanin, the tanning thing, which we love and feels good. But that's just like, one of the myriad of things that the sun is doing. Because it's also designed, you know, for our immune system, our blood system, our skin systems,
Tonya Papanikolov 22:30
probably like structuring our bodies of water as well.
Nadine Artemis 22:33
Yes, that is true. That is very true. Any structuring, I thought you might have gone to bone health, which you might use for bone health, and it's connected to vitamin D. Yeah. Which is essential for our bones. So you know, the first I have another book called so called Holistic Dental Care. And so key that we have vitamin d three, really, you want to take it as a supplement with the key to because that's going to bring the information into the bones of the minerals and stuff, which also, so often people say, Well, you know, can I just take the vitamin D supplements and stay out of the sun?
Nadine Artemis 23:14
I'm glad we have the vitamin D supplements, and we definitely need them, especially in Canada. And the moment I'm back, I don't know if I said this one thought I've got a few thoughts going here. So if there is signs of cavities, or those kinds of things, you definitely need to really get sufficient in D right away. And the other thing is like it's kind of the de your D levels in your body. It's like a living thing. So it's not like you just take you know, finish a bottle and you're done. It's like literally an art. It's like a live situation. And that's why we kind of need and none of us are really getting Daily Sun exposure just because the weather alone, unless you're like tropical something. Yeah, but there's even rainy seasons and stuff. So we have to like our bodies are kind of like solar batteries. And we need to have that solar exposure to kind of charge the systems of the body, not just get a tan.
Tonya Papanikolov 24:05
Yeah. So in the winter times, you would be recommending and supplementing with vitamin D and then do you kind of pause come May.
Nadine Artemis 24:14
Yeah, like I don't I definitely don't need to take the vitamin D in the summer. Yeah, I take it definitely through the winter. And if I don't like I'll yeah, I will. I'll start taking it. But if I don't and I don't even till December. I definitely just have such a sink in my vitamin D from like nothing happening in like November, because it leaves here the sun around, you know, October 30, Jabez sort of different views. So there's a D minder app, which is so great. There's an app and then you can just chart the sun in your area when you know, when's the UV coming in that kind of thing? Yeah,
Tonya Papanikolov 24:50
yeah. Yeah, speaking actually, I'm going to save that for maybe when we chat a bit more about teeth but I did save a tooth that was like headed towards root canal good. That's awesome. Vitamin D and yeah Berberine tooth packing. And yeah, essential oils, but that I mean, it was like pain, like, every day that that awful pain that you get. Yeah, it was, it was remarkable.
Nadine Artemis 25:16
That's so cool. It was yeah, it was really cool. Yeah, cuz the cabin is just the body saying Help this to please. And it's like an infection that needs its immune system sort of cleared up. Yeah,
Tonya Papanikolov 25:29
totally. So I wanted to kind of speak to this other piece around, still around the sun. And just around some of the beauty standards for women that I feel living libations is has been such a breath of fresh air but and also just like I have my rose oil on right now. It's just like, literally the best quality oils I've ever met my skin has ever felt and seen. And they're so nourishing. And so that's kind of coupled with Yeah, really unattainable beauty standards, you know, on your site, you have these, we're now avoiding the sun and injecting fillers into faces, applying chemicals to acne, spraying fake tans that are filled with DNA damaging dihydroxyacetone. And it's not to judge any, anybody that's making any choice, but it's, it's a crowded space.
Tonya Papanikolov 26:20
And there's a lot of voices and a lot of influence of some of these really kind of toxic practices that are so deeply embedded in, in things that take a lot of active awareness to remove ourselves from. So what's your take on that, and what you know, was living libations a part of its creation kind of came from your experience with some of these kinds of toxins and, and being like really not having time for it?
Nadine Artemis 26:51
Yeah, it did create, I really did create it out of like, just at 18, I was understanding the labels of the things I was putting on my body, you know, food as well. But like, I really don't know, I just loved I loved beauty care products and mixing them in everything. So then you go, Oh my God, it's like just like a petroleum Promised Land and kind of just total BS. And yet, we do besides the fun like is it can be fun to you know, take care of your, like, again, it can be a chore, and it can get really boring. But also I think as a teen you're a little bit more fresh with you're like, Hey, I'm gonna like wash my hair and style it. You know? Yeah. So it can be fun and beautiful, and to take care of the body. So I was I really looked and studied, you know, what were we doing for all the hundreds of years before sort of the 19th century, or the dawn of this synthetic, and that real division of like plants to pharmaceuticals, where there was just like, oh, let's isolate and synthesize and disregard the rest of the plant, that kind of thing.
Nadine Artemis 28:00
So we've got lots of hundreds of years of really cool, other ways of looking at the body. I mean, of course, we learn things too. And then we have the modern times where we can like apply, like Oh, my God, the microbiome, and then sort of see a new light and a new lens on it, but still, not looking at taking having chemicals take care of our own biochemistry just doesn't make sense to me. And then also at the time, I was in university, and also had the opportunity to explore things and read things like the beauty myth, or I did projects on Midwifery, and things on like ancient Egypt, beauty practices, and just so is really cool. And also just to look at, especially in the Western world, the history of how women's bodies were experimented on, sort of medically, to cosmetically, you know, and, and wanting to, to completely get away from all that on every level, and celebrate our bodies in a new way.
Nadine Artemis 28:59
And a new understanding of my kind of when I'm looking at a way or an area of the body that we want to bring some freshness to, or I'm going to study, like whether it's the sun or oral care, I like to get out of the way and really go into the body and sort of like cosmic end of things. Because we're just, I mean, the whole universe is so brilliantly designed, we're never going to fully figure it all out. You know, like, like, how everything has a relationship to the sun, you know, and there's like, flowers that react to it like one way some turn some change color, you know, and like even how petals are formed. I mean, there's like a whole cosmic thing. Yeah, where that light is speaking to the little bud, right and making it come out and coax it in the colors and we're never going to know that but that's industry we have to tap into not DuPont to take care of our bodies. And I'm here for that.
Tonya Papanikolov 29:59
You I am here for that too. Yeah, yeah, it's mesmerizing. The sacred geometry that you can Yeah, Daisy. Yeah.
Nadine Artemis 30:10
Perfection, utter perfection. And then the bees and then the certain pollinators are like there's the dung beetle for the Blue Lotus and are what do you know what I mean? Like, and then that dragonfly does that. And it's mind blowing.
Tonya Papanikolov 30:25
Yeah, some brilliant orchestra.
Nadine Artemis 30:28
Yes. And so I'm like, let's like that take care of us. And the general tenant of my beauty book is, you know, really not another bottle or another supplement is really going to revive you or kind of save the day. I mean, it might, maybe the spermidine. In general, we've got to like tune in, I call it Cosmo IDEX, right, we are tuned into the cosmos, understand are engaged with the elements with the sun with real water, with the gifts from the earth, or like hanging on the earth, walking on the earth, lying on the earth, and air, you know, just like having our body engaged with those elements. I know, we can't like just run around naked in the woods all the time. But you know, you're bringing in elements of that. And understanding to we're not, we're not surviving with the elements per se, like we used to either. So we can also engage with it.
Nadine Artemis 31:24
Like we can go out in the sun and come back and inside and then run water, which is great. But let's get into that. And like how can we connect that back up? Or can we, you know, filter the water? Or, you know, that kind of thing? Yeah,
Tonya Papanikolov 31:39
I love that. I want to go into hydrogenated oils, seed oils, that side of the story with relation to our skin, health and the sun. And when we fill ourselves with those types of rancid, toxic oils, what that does when we come into sunlight, or when we have exposure, because that's that stuff is like mind blowing.
Nadine Artemis 32:05
It's mind blowing. And there's like Yeah, and that's like a deep subject, so many ways to go into that. But the general thing is that the polyunsaturated fatty acids of those commercial seed and industrial oils, Mazola vegetable and like is that a seed oil or vegetable oil? I don't know. But it's not good. And you don't want. So the Mazola the canola, soy? Just a big oils. Yeah. And of course rancid oil. So if you're going to have avocado, you want to really want to not rancid it is a little more fragile. You want to have good olive oil, that kind of thing. But the seed oil, so it does seem from studies that the poor FAS which are rancid in way too high in Omega six, and they're rancid Omega six, and the oil has been like bleached, deodorize winterized, which if you look up those processes, it is just gnarly.
Nadine Artemis 32:59
It's just like, on every level, and it's in cosmetics, and it's in food. So we're eating it and applying it and about 20% of like the standard North American diet is 20% of these oils. Now it doesn't mean it looks like you're just pouring Rizal over anything but any prepared food. I don't know prepared foods, but like, you know, whether it's like a cereal or a Twinkie or Yeah, eating out, we are eating in a restaurant, because they're gonna be frying and cooking with those oils, everything too. Yeah, or like a Twinkie or whatever is generally made up about 20% of the PUFA oils.
Nadine Artemis 33:35
And those show to be I mean, just such heavy duty agers of the cells of the skin. They seem to be the number one cause of melasma. And then, you know, and then and then if we're putting also we're in relation to everything that's sort of also why I like people to just yeah, get we got to get back to like engaging with the elements, that kind of thing, because we're literally in relation to creation, every living moment, everything's in a relationship.
Nadine Artemis 34:05
So when we're in the sun, are we bringing our you know, Mazola saturated bodies, drinking Coca Cola, and then like, burning in that or applying a sunscreen, which besides the issues with sunscreens, where they can create melasma and they're toxic and may create fertility issues. And like the ingredients are things like oxy benzene, which aren't considered carcinogenic until they're exposed to sunlight, and a whole bunch of crazy stuff like that. When we're using sunscreen, one of the major issues besides all of that, is that it's we're receiving the rays separated so UVA get separated from UVB. So then we're only receiving UVA and UVA on its own is skin damaging, and no vitamin D is coming with that.
Nadine Artemis 34:55
So you're not getting that internal lubrication and the difference with taking a supplement. And being in the sun is it's a different form of vitamin D that is created. And when we're in the sun, we create our skin, which is designed to be exposed to those solar arrays, there's an alchemical process, where very healthy cholesterol sulfate is created. And that's very essential to many things, including our sex hormones. It also cleans the blood. And it's very important for the immune system. Because if we don't have our bodies brimming with vitamin D, then these ligands, which are these sticky, bacterial ligands, can get into the vitamin D receptors of our body, to which there are 1000s.
Nadine Artemis 35:42
And it's kind of like just tripping the main switch of our immune system. And now that we're studying disease, and vitamin D, we've got over 3000 studies that show that aren't like sufficient vitamin D, if you have that, then you are like, your chances of developing cancer are less like, so there's 3000 studies that are like, Oh, my God, all these diseases go away if we're sufficient and vitamin D. So it's completely essential to health. But literally, also in the past 100 years, we've really moved away from not just like the sun as philosophically, like, it's bad or good. But we've just moved further and further away from a lifestyle that has, you know, that like, nobody's outside. And we just don't have it, like, integrated into our life. And then if we are outside, we're just hiding and covering up.
Tonya Papanikolov 36:36
It's a totally backwards. I mean, I think for the large part, people over the past 10 years have really come to understand nutrition and diet, and there's so many nuances within that. So I would worse, but to really like that is just for so many people flips the whole thing on its head to say like processed foods and oils can be the cause of the wrinkles. And like, it's just, you have we really we really like just turn the whole thing on its head.
Nadine Artemis 37:08
Yeah, totally. I feel like I've actually, in the past 10 years, cleaned up some even sun damage by obviously always saying but that mitochondria, but I've only in the past 10 years has been in the sun more and more. And definitely, I mean, I also 10 years older, but the sun is not making me age in any way.
Tonya Papanikolov 37:31
Yeah. On your site. I've you know, I've used the zinc oxide quite a few times. I kind of want to understand that a bit. So yeah. You know, as we as we move into spring, your recommendation would just be that morning sunlight low and slow
Nadine Artemis 37:46
know that morning sunlight. Yeah, I mean, sorry, because I don't know totally what you're gonna say. But the morning sunlight is to enjoy and imbibe and you're getting your amino acids activated. pregnenolone like there's just so many things that again, get it because we don't know even know all the gifts, what we know is a stunning, and then there's more. And then for the UV moment, and like working on that, because there's no vitamin D in that morning, like, right, and there's no vitamin D past where, you know, depends where you are, but four or five, wherever, actually, we get it till about 536 o'clock in July, it's so great. Because then we have the sun setting at around 930 10 of those days.
Nadine Artemis 38:26
But anyway, so you want to start slowly now depends too. There's a Fitzpatrick skin type thing that's about five. And it just is literally like basically, are you like, Are you like a white Irish person that burns? Or are you have you got like sort of the Mediterranean skin that really tans. And so you figure that out, she got to know you. It's also like being in the sun is also having some body awareness. So that's gonna start evolving. And then who knows? Like, also we are what time are you? Is it like, are you 10 to 11 are like noon to one the sun, you know, way more vitamin D happening. And that, you know, you have to think so if I'm out for some reason at 10, I would probably stay up till about 1130. If I mean again, I got nothing planned enough, I'm just working on my tan, because I want to get the full amount of vitamin D, which I usually like to get about 8000 units, hopefully if the Sun's right and all that kind of stuff.
Nadine Artemis 39:22
But if I'm out at noon, I can have a sonic kind of like a more efficient Sun snack, so to speak, like maybe I can make 8045 minutes. So, you know, there's that to play with. But then also, like 45 minutes could be way too long for many people in the sun. So you got to know like for somebody who hasn't been in for a while or your Irish roots or something, you know, you got to start who knows you could be 10 minutes, right? And it's not sunny every day. So it's hard you know, you got to build up. But you know, week by week, you're adding to that because you're getting that base layer. And yeah, just heard from an Australian family. You know, they started in the spring and And then by July, they didn't need any sun stuff because they built up they were you know you with the sun and you're it's getting stronger and so are you and so is your skin. And it's taking you through that season.
Nadine Artemis 40:11
You know, I love swimming in the lake or being in so then I like put on like one of our oils, like everybody loves the sunshine or really a best skin ever. But I'm also often just kind of raw, I guess, for better, like I just don't even need the oil. And then I rarely use the zinc. But if it is, it's for a time when, for some reason, maybe I can't wear a hat. And I'm going to be extra long. And then I'm like maybe putting it on my nose, or my shoulders. But I'm generally once I've done had my vitamin D for the day, then I'm wearing what pop on a hat or something to like, yeah. And then I tried. Luckily, you know, we also live in the woods, so it's private, and then I'm able to really get as much skin as I can. And that also is going to make my time more efficient in the sun as well. But yeah, you just work your way up to it. So maybe you know, for some that that half hour lunch break, you could actually get a lot of a good amount done.
Nadine Artemis 41:10
Hopefully, you can take off some layers or find a place. And then I mean, it's like, it's still like our lakes still frozen. It's snowing out. But I meant Yeah, we're getting there, but it's still really cold. And so if you can, if you've got you know, smoke, sliding glass doors, or even a window in your house, you can open and lay in the sun in the colder months or design it or make like a little windshield, protected area where you can go because like even so the sun comes back in February is very weak. I don't mean the sign, I mean like the UV. So we have three months, no UV coming out of that sun, but the red light, there's still so much reason to be in the sun, for your immune system and everything. Even in those winter months to get like that morning light or watch the sunset. And then it starts coming back in February. And then I'm like, you know, opening the sliders. And I'm having my house outside. And I'm getting my D and chanting that way, you know, because I'm craving it by then. Yeah. Oh my god.
Tonya Papanikolov 42:13
Thank you for walking us through that. That was really, really helpful. Will you tell us about the zinc oxide? Is that going to block? UV? Yeah, so
Nadine Artemis 42:23
that's a good question. So what's neat about the zinc, so we really, we just make a sun harmonizing oil, which you cannot. SPF is literally just for synthetic things. It's just like, only chemicals. And it's a whole system that, you know, we're not really a part of, but there are oils, like even olive oil kind of has this equivalent of being like an SPF eight, like so if you if you did put olive oil on and then you went in the sun, it could it would give you a few more moments do you know harmonize those rays with your body. Now again, if you're a Mediterranean kind of thing, that could be all you need, and you're good for an hour, but for that Irish person, it might give him like 10 more minutes or whatever. Yeah, but zinc is really neat. Because it again, it's not a sunscreen, but it's a sunblock because it deflects the rays. So the UVA UVB they bounce off the skin. And that's why it's an effective sunblock, and it's not a chemical, which is great. It's just this classic mineral.
Tonya Papanikolov 43:23
Right so we don't we don't want to wear that on a daily basis when
Nadine Artemis 43:26
we're good. Yeah, no, yeah. Because you want the exposure. Yeah, and I'm really like there's SPF and everything and I just feel like no, especially and especially it's just maybe women like going to work and then they're like Oh, I'm going to be like walking outside for half an hour. It's like you're fine yeah, I mean generally speaking you could be noon in Hawaii you That's my burn your face but you know what I'm saying?
Tonya Papanikolov 43:52
Yeah, this friend of mine slathering this PDF on his kid and I was like
Nadine Artemis 44:00
and the kid they need it right again. They don't also don't want to be burned you don't want to burn but also Yeah, for my face. Obviously I don't like it doesn't stay out as long as the rest of my body because it is like most people it's going to feel the sun earlier. So yeah, depending on my setup, I would either have like you know, I would do 1015 minutes for my face even in like Hawaii get that pure and then put on a hat or fine you know get my head in the shade while the rest of my body's out.
Tonya Papanikolov 44:31
Interesting story for you. What brought me into this line of work has been health challenges as probably most of us are a lot of us. This was maybe like six or seven years ago I was vegan and eating a lot of nuts like overdoing it. And I was also like, dealing with parasites and kind of like just going through a big kind of pocket and so for a year I had itchy feet and hives. that would come out usually at night. And it was awful. Yeah, for me a lot of stuff will kind of get pushed to the skin. So I had a trip to Turks and Caicos that I was doing some work there. And I've just felt really called to be in the sun every day before I would start work from seven to nine. Like maybe not that full time but walking on the beach, like just kind of being swimming then I would spend like 45 minutes in the water and just was soaking in the race.
Tonya Papanikolov 45:30
And you know, about four nights in I still had my night itches, and I was like, God, like please, when will this stop? And I woke up the next morning after after like the fifth day and it was it was gone. It never came back. And I was just so grateful to the sun for to the sun and sea for
Nadine Artemis 45:51
and I think the sand walking on the sand.
Nadine Artemis 45:55
Yeah, it was incredible. Yay. Yeah, that can be really annoying. Oh yeah. Well for itching just in case anybody has an itch out there of some sort but we peppermint organic like we obviously all are organic so if any want to have real oils but organic peppermint you know diluted in some haha or Baskin ever and putting on the on the bottom of your feet or wherever is itchy. Peppermint is just like ice sometimes. Yeah, and if it's a small little area or like a bug bite, you can just put one drop right on, but for Zima things like that psoriasis. Yeah, it's just can really help people sleep and stuff.
Tonya Papanikolov 46:32
That's really helpful. Okay, I have a question for you. It's kind of random. Okay. But I want to know your thoughts on this because I feel like it's a movement that I see like friends on social media doing but it's sunning tanning your bumhole and I have tried it. Is there anything you you can say speak to to that in terms of like, is there other than maybe I could share a story about what happened to me when I did it, which was totally psychedelic. Yeah, it was cool. But yeah, is it what do you think about that?
Nadine Artemis 47:10
Well, there's a fun quote from Doreen Virtue who was quoting an Italian doctor or something but she said you know, the disease goes where the sun doesn't shine. So there's that and there is some studies not too extensive showing that it does increase for men testosterone right now women are also you know, the hormone we have the most of us actually testosterone. But there hasn't been studies, but definitely, I mean, just even on a sunlights the best disinfectant level, like kind of a level I think, yeah, like if, because we're also like, those beautiful areas of our, you know, of our bodies are just like, often just trapped in like polyester underwear. You don't I mean, like, and we used to, like, you know, they used to be got out more, they got more sunshine, and more exposure to just even like, you know, maybe, I mean, obviously, people were all kinds of things right, but you got, you know, you're sitting on the earth.
Nadine Artemis 48:06
Yeah, you know, maybe you don't have underwear, you have a skirt on. I mean, I'm talking like old times loincloths, whatever. So we were definitely way more with our microbiomes and the environment and that kind of thing, but for sure, I know, it seems like a silly thing. And for sure a lot of people have fun making fun of people that you know, bottoms up in the sunlight, but I definitely if you can, and you got the privacy for sure. You know, not too long.
Tonya Papanikolov 48:31
Totally. It feels it feels nice like it yeah, warmth and yeah, infrared, infrared. Okay, I'm glad to hear that.
Nadine Artemis 48:42
Oh, yeah. And like diaper rashes, get them in the sun right get the air in there. Get some sun on that
Tonya Papanikolov 48:48
off those diapers. Yeah, yeah, I know we don't have too much longer left but I'd love to kind of touch on your book Holistic Dental Care and just ask you to kind of give us maybe a little 101 on an of the tips of you know, something that I would love your take on this too is when is the best time to kind of brush the teeth? Is that the sun?
Nadine Artemis 49:15
No. It is fun though to kind of change things up. And you know what I mean? Especially brushing your teeth for like 40 years. I mean, I think morning and night is fine. Like you don't have to brush after a meal. Unless I know you got some crazy going on and you really need to stay on top of your mouth but also you kind of want to let them out settle if you are brushing after because maybe you also just prefer that you kind of want like you know, give about half an hour. Also swishing with something is a good thing after a meal. if again, if you really feel that need, like peppermint and water with a bit of baking soda or sea salt, really good to neutralize acids and rinse things away. But generally, you know, I think we know About the microbiome, I think generally, you know, I don't know if everybody is, but generally we do now. And the gut microbiome very essential to our health.
Nadine Artemis 50:08
And obviously, the mouth is completely connected, it has its own microbiome, but of course, they're on the same alien Menteri canal. So the ways that we want know that we have to protect our microbiome and our guts, we kinda have to bring that to our mouths. And in my books are actually in the renegade beauty. There's a good gentle chapter in there too. But I have the steps of stop seal and seed. So we want to stop the things that are mutating the mouse microbiome, like alcohol mouthwashes, that, you know, which is just the ones in the drugstore. With the synthetic alcohols back, I mean that my stats about 10 years old, but back in like 2012, they're creating over 36,000 cases of oral cancer a year. And then we've got a lot of dental practices that also mess with the mouse microbiome, like mercury fillings or root canals, those kinds of things.
Nadine Artemis 51:02
And then just toothpaste with things like sodium lauryl sulfate, and you know, triclosan and a whole bunch of other horrific ingredients. So really, even if you just use like baking soda, which has a very low abrasive reading lower than any toothpaste is completely alkaline mineralizing. So even if you just bought like a bag of baking soda and use that for the rest of your life, you would be far better off than using things from the, from the drugstore to maintain the mouth. It can be that simple. And of course, I have, you know, we make all kinds of serums. And I have recipes if you want to make toothpaste, or combine things like that, but literally like you're better off with like sea salt and baking soda, you know, and using hydrogen peroxide, you could dilute that 3% You want to use that every day, it's it can be a bit of stringent on the gums and we need to keep our gums you know, very healthy and all around the teeth and not receding. So sometimes the hydrogen peroxide can be too astringent, but very useful in your cabinet and gives that like a nice amount of whitening without over bleaching.
Nadine Artemis 52:07
And also whiteness really comes from within the teeth, which goes back to our d3 Kaitou because it's enamel is actually transparent like a window. And it's the health of the pulp chamber, which is where you want those healthy fat soluble vitamins and the nutrients, that's where the nutrients get delivered to the teeth. So if the teeth are like gray and glassy, which you can see sometimes on different diets or like a vegan diet, because the indents are often insufficient in those fat soluble vitamins. Yeah, so really, it's a reflection of the health of the tooth. And sometimes even if it's if your teeth aren't white, it could just be like, you know, plaque that stained a little bit and you just kind of need that there's some really good dentists that will you like kind of clean that do the sandblasting of the teeth, not sandblasting, but kind of how they do old buildings, but with sea salt. And you know, you can get really white because often it's just like, especially if you're eating a high pigmented diet, like often a lot of us are, or red wine, for example, like how that, you know, happens to the plaque. So check on that, you know, before you start, you know, because it once you're bleaching, I mean, as you're weakening the enamel, which is actually going to lead to more yellowing, and really everything that I'm looking at. If it's about caring for the body, we want to get to the root of all the things so we're not just like, you know, Band Aid solutions, which really aren't getting to the heart of the matter.
Tonya Papanikolov 53:36
Totally. Yeah, I have my Minton mer nice and happy gum drops. And I have been loving, loving loving it.
Nadine Artemis 53:47
Nice. And we made a new toothpaste last year, the triple mint. And it has the Nano hydroxy apatite in it, which is the mineral our teeth are made of. Yes, it's very smoothing, soothing and white. Not
Tonya Papanikolov 53:58
one. I think it's good. Yeah. And I wanted to ask you a bit more about the Hydroxyapatite.
Nadine Artemis 54:03
Yeah, so it's really fun. I have been working on this formula, like wanting to bring it out because it's a great mineral. It is part of our tooth structure. It has been approved for like decades by NASA for preventing bone loss and people that are going outside the Earth's orbit. If they do but whatever.
Tonya Papanikolov 54:27
Another conversation Yeah.
Nadine Artemis 54:28
Really. In the meantime, they did approve it that and also pulsed electromagnetic frequencies for bone loss prevention. But anyway, and there's many dentists that you can see on the internet though, like oh my god, it works better than fluoride which of course Florida is another conversation but they're seeing it work better. And that makes sense. So it helps to fill out any fissures, it's whitening it just you know brings back the health of the enamel. And I was I'm excited to bring it together because it was a it is available. It has been available for You decades but it's in in toothpaste that are in a bit of a sea of other greens that we don't want. So we're able to bring this into the purity of our pace. And is that a good amount to you know, there were studies done to find the optimal level. So we've got a juicy paste.
Tonya Papanikolov 55:16
I love I love that juicy paste. I do want to ask you a question about fluoride. There's some people who will say doesn't matter because you're just swishing it in your mouth and you're not ingesting it. It's different than ingesting it. Can you even touch on that without going down a large floral tangent? Yeah,
Nadine Artemis 55:34
why steel and in renegade beauty, I have like a paragraph or so on it. And it's like that one paragraph has about 30 citations. So it is grounded in a lot of health studies like from, you know, like lowering IQ. And I mean, it's just it literally, the main reason why it creates havoc on the body is because it stiffens soft tissue. And makes like bones weak. So it's kind of like, I think it affects the one of the main enzyme systems in the body. I gotta brush up on that. But yeah, so basically it is it is switching an enzymatic thing. And that's kind of one way where you can see kind of, like, not helping the body. Yeah, maybe swishing it, but I don't know, my theory is if it's in on around the body, it's going in. Yeah, and the mouth is very absorbent.
Tonya Papanikolov 56:28
Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's gonna go I mean, straight to the bloodstream. So
Nadine Artemis 56:32
yeah, yeah. To your brain, and then you're gonna have lower IQ. Yeah. Which
Tonya Papanikolov 56:36
God knows. We don't want that. We don't need that. We don't need that. Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom. I'm so excited to release this. And yeah, share this set of, you know, perfect time, spring sun. I was driving in the car the other night with Simon and I was like, you know, I wonder how long we would last without the sun. Like, just I don't know, how long the planet would you know, and it was like, in a couple of days, that boat like the oceans would freeze. Wow. No, sorry. Not not a couple of days. But like, like, sooner than you would think. hours. Yeah. The Yeah, it was it was it was pretty wild. Like we would really only last a day or so. Yeah,
Nadine Artemis 57:20
yeah, we so yeah, of course, there was a way and it wasn't like, oh, well, not until you know, the people of the planet get to 1950 when we make sunscreen, will they be able to handle the sun properly? Just wasn't designed that way?
Tonya Papanikolov 57:34
No, no. I like to end every episode with asking the guests to share a prayer and intention a wish with the audience. Well,
Nadine Artemis 57:45
I think everybody loves the sunshine. And so like let's let it in.
Tonya Papanikolov 57:52
Let's let it in.
Tonya Papanikolov 57:54
Thank you so much, Nadine. Such a pleasure to speak with you and and have you on and thank you so much for the work you do the products you make. Yeah, just being the coolest absolute Renegade. That there is so thank you. Thanks.
Nadine Artemis 58:10
It was my pleasure.